At Ascend FC, we are dedicated to helping players reach their full potential by providing a positive and supportive environment where players can learn, grow, and develop their skills. Our mission is to provide the highest quality coaching and training to help players of all levels develop their skills and reach their goals. We believe in the power of soccer to bring people together, build self-confidence, and foster a sense of community. Through our commitment to excellence, we are helping to shape the future of soccer in our local community.


Our vision is to be the best community-based youth soccer development club locally that empowers young athletes to achieve their full potential on and off the field. We aim to offer quality experienced coaching to help shape youth soccer players be good people and strive for excellence through our superb coaching methods and genuine core values.


We exist to offer young athletes an opportunity to develop their skills, progress to higher levels, cultivate personal growth, and promote a love for the game in a structured and supportive environment. Ascend is determined to support every player improve their skills and become well-rounded individuals.



At Ascend we deeply believe in chasing your dreams, that is why we came up with our five core values Commitment, Humility, Accountability, Self-Discipline, and Effort which combine to stand for the acronym C.H.A.S.E.



Once you get involved with an activity, in order to be good at it you must sacrifice time and energy. Many people aren’t getting the results they want because they are only half way in or just dipping their toes. In order to achieve what you want we know that we must be fully committed in doing whatever it takes to get the desired outcome. The quality of your dedication will determine your outcome.



Often when athletes achieve the goals they have set themselves, they start feeling superior and this leads them to forget certain values that have in all probability helped them to achieve those very goals. We all know that once we achieve one goal we need to keep working to maintain the goal or to reach the next goal. Humility is about knowing one’s values, and maintaining them even in situations where we are clearly superior and more successful.



The ability to own your actions and acknowledge errors is an essential characteristic. Accountability means assessing progress while also acknowledging your strengths and weakness. Indeed, accountability involves a supportive environment as well as self-discipline to do what you committed to doing. In each team there are specific responsibilities that need to be upheld as well as individual ones such as regularly attending practice.



In society we often see and hear from the media athletes being touted for their extraordinary skills and natural abilities. In many cases the media fails to present the behind the scenes aspects in which greatness emerges. Without setting a goal and avoiding temptation and comfort there would not be any success. We all know now that Messi is one of the greatest players of all time but without being able to sacrifice leaving home at an early age the Messi we know now wouldn’t exist. Self-discipline is the engine that over time, this consistent effort builds both physical strength and mental resilience.



There are many reasons to believe that luck plays an important part in winning or losing, in attaining or failing to reach your goal. However, luck is often fleeting and momentary. Effort in contrast, is a value that can take us to unthinkable heights and lead us to achieve targets and objectives that may at other times appear distant or inaccessible. For us we believe in that the harder you work the luckier you will get but you need to put in the time and effort.